Digital photography is, for the camera-wielding traveler, a phenomenal boon, and all it takes to capture a scene is the press of a button. In the late 1990s, editors began asking travel writers to take their own pictures, never mind that the writer's picture could seldom match that of a professional. It was open shooting season. After a few decades of being able to command decent day rates and expect their archives to keep them in old age, professional photographers faced the prospect of a career change.

The travel bug infected the millennium generation because air travel became cheaper and gap years became the norm. This fed - and was fed by — a visual feast of world experiences that could not be enjoyed unless it was shared, and it wasn't long before the internet found ways of showing pictures to the whole world.

Today’s freewheeling photographer no longer needs to travel with a host of lenses, filters and bags of films with different ISO ratings. But there is an increasing amount of work to be done when he or she returns home. Slides,with colour film to be supplied to photographers going to places where there was no guarantee of finding slide film stock.

A photograph has something to say ~ one person's point of view interpreted through the lens. And as photographers travel, so their stories build into a library of memories that are as much about the person as the subjects they choose