Placing a photograph on your resume may feel strange. Job seekers often overlook this practice; however, many companies prefer to have a resume with a photograph. Adding your photograph to your resume when you are applying for a job at a company can help show that you understand the job culture. When choosing a photo, you want one that works for you rather than against you.

Check out this video to learn what recruiters are looking for in their resumes.

When choosing a photograph to put on a resume, you want one that is professionally done. Dressing as a successful professional can actually increase the odds of being called for an interview; so, make sure that you look your best. Here are some tips to make sure your photo has the factors companies are looking for.

* Opt for a solid one color plain background.

* The photo should give a clear view of your head and the top of your shoulders.

* You should ensure that you do not have any tattoos showing.

* If you wear jewelry, it should be kept to a minimum.

* Keep your appearance professional looking by wearing a business suit.

* Look directly into the camera to maintain eye contact.

It is essential that you remember that you maintain a professional appearance that includes a suit and tie for males and a business outfit for women even if you believed the job you are applying for is with a friendly and relaxed company. Companies pride themselves on professional employees that dress conservatively. This means that men should have their top button buttoned and their tie tied properly and women should cover up and remain conservative in their dress.

Do not be tempted to show off your personality in your clothing for the photo because this will be viewed as an insult in the company's eyes.

Your resume should include all of the information that the employer needs to know about you, and the clothing you wear should showcase how serious and professional you are.  Download a resume template that allows you to showcase all of this info. Additionally remember, a friendly, happy face may spark the interest of the interviewer more than a stern glare. For best result, slightly smile so that the corners of your mouth tilt subtly up.

Once you have decided on your clothing, it is time to ensure you do not make other common mistakes. Most companies prefer that a man is cleanly shaven in the resume photo. This means that you may need to cut off your mustache. Women should wear minimal make. When applying your makeup, you want it to appear so natural that the interview is unsure if you are wearing makeup or not.

Another important thing to remember is that the employer considers your hairstyle. Women should tie their hair back so the interviewer can view their entire face. Men should avoid the tousled look and instead go for a more sleek style. Finally, never wear a hat for your resume photo.